The Water of the Future

3 min readSep 18, 2021


Every year 18th September is celebrated as the ‘World Water Monitoring Day’. It is an international outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world. World Water Monitoring Day aims to engage people of all ages in monitoring the condition of local rivers, streams, estuaries, and other water bodies. There are more than 30 countries that have been facing a shortage of water. Therefore, it should be one of our responsibilities to conserve water every single day.

It’s not a new fact that our water supply is limited, which means that we do not have a limitless supply. We only have the water that we have now and 97 percent of all the water on the earth is saltwater and hence, it is not suitable for drinking. Only three percent of all the water is fresh water and out of that three percent freshwater, only one percent is available for drinking. The other two percent is sealed in glaciers. We have a dense population and since every one of us relies on that one percent of water for our survival, it should be one of our responsibilities to preserve and conserve water.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

This Water Monitoring Day, the Sangam Team plans to highlight the importance of this day, how this day came into existence and what the future has in store for us.

Water Monitoring Day was created by America’s Clean Water Foundation in 2003 with the intent of being a program that reached out to people all over the globe to raise awareness of water pollution issues and get people to test their local bodies of water. This information is then intended to be shared through various resources, including the World Water Monitoring Challenge Website.

The best way to celebrate Water Monitoring Day is by checking the quality of your water. Testing kits are available from a lot of resources, including local hardware stores. While testing is an imperative part of Water Monitoring Day, it is important to recognize that sharing the results is just as important. Once you have got your findings, make sure you upload the results to the worldwide EarthEcho Water Challenge database. Earth Echo International is the current sponsor of Water Monitoring Day, and they provide all of the information one needs to know about buying inexpensive test kits. When you upload your results to their database, you will be joining more than 1.5 million participants from across the globe who have used this program to monitor the quality of the water in their local area.

It is also important to think about what the data from your water quality kit means so that you can come up with various ways to take action and protect your local water sources. You can even take the lead and present your findings to officials at your local governing body or waterboard, to organize a coastal Cleanup, or work with your community on a project for stream or natural lake restoration. There are numerous ways to take action and the only thing that is stopping us is just that first step!

Given the present times of Covid, health has become a priority, and science + innovation has proven once again that they are the solution to most of the global issues. The world needs innovators who can find solutions that are accessible to the masses. Starting from self-water testing kits, wouldn’t it be great if one day there is an innovation that allows us to test the water quality at home without creating any harmful waste! The world needs innovators who can provide new solutions that are both long-lasting and eco-friendly! Startups that not only cater to our present but also can fit right in our future scenarios.

Well, if you are one such startup waiting for your innovation to make a mark in the climate change and sustainability sector based in Delhi/NCR, then the Sangam Team will love to have you on board! Check out our website or contact us at:

Blog Credits: Shikhita Gupta


EarthEcho Water Challenge

World Water Monitoring Day 2020

Water Monitoring Day




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